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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Performance Excellence in Business Operations Essay
Execution Excellence in Business Operations - Essay Example An expansive procedure including minimisation of vitality use and environmental change sway, a decrease in discharges into the earth, better asset the board through reusing and evasion of substances of worry for the car is presently vital for the car business. Automakers must guarantee acknowledgment for their items and broaden fills utilized for autos. Pragmatic execution of the car business methodology for the future must include usage of ecological control frameworks dependent on the ISO 14001, greening of creation and coordinations, thought of the vehicle life cycle and a decrease in vitality utilized for assembling autos. Squander reusing, along with a decrease in the utilization of water for assembling and minimisation of hurtful items into the earth underpins the ideal ecological technique. Structure and development concentrating on eco-friendliness, reusing, decrease in tailpipe emanations, shirking of substances of concern and utilization of inexhaustible assets and material s for vehicles must proceed to shape and help support what's to come. Significant car makers around the globe keep on underscoring on the recently referenced endeavors to guarantee a future for the car, however a specific accentuation is missing for the accompanying: Serious and coordinated endeavors to plan vehicles that work on put away electric vitality, maybe on the grounds that this will require an extreme takeoff from the car idea as we probably am aware it when benefits financial aspects despite everything bodes well. Endeavors to make the overhauling and upkeep of cars present lower natural effects. In spite of the fact that enactment currently obliges vehicle makers to accept accountability for reusing car segments and cars toward the finish of administration life, producers have abstained from introducing obviously how they plan to do this. Hence, it isn't yet clear if reusing and recovery of vehicle parts and autos won't have complex ecological effects that may compound t he natural effect of the car over its life cycle. Substance Part 1: Research Report Introduction 1 Approaches to Environmental Management for the Automobile Industry 2 Operational Aspects of Environmental Management for the Automobile Industry 5 End-of-Life Regulation and Recovery Technology for Automobiles 10 Best Practices for Environmental Management in the Automobile Industry 13 Conclusion 17 Bibliography/References 20 List of Figures Figure 1: Product Environmental Performance Indicators for an Automobile Spare Part 9 Figure 2: Toyota’s Environmental Action Plan 15 Part 2: Personal Reflection on Team Presentations Introduction 27 Reflections 28 Conclusion 32 Bibliography/References 33 (This page deliberately left clear) Part 1: Research Report Introduction In the current day and age, the car business must face the twin dangers of monetary and ecological weights (Wells, 2010, Pp. 1 †10). As indicated by Wells (2010, Pp. 1 †10), not exclusively is the world curre ntly recuperating from a prospering financial stoppage, yet in addition the weights forced on the planet by human exercises is presently arriving at basic levels with dangers to the earth and the biological system exacerbating issues. The future presents an expansive decrease in petroleum derivative creation and a decrease in regular stores to fulfill the vivacious craving of humankind. With more than one billion vehicles populating earth, the globe is quickening towards the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Variable Air Volume (VAV) System to achieve better Indoor Dissertation
Variable Air Volume (VAV) System to accomplish better Indoor Environmental Quality for a business Building and vitality sparing - Dissertation Example The primary explanation behind these capacities like warming, ventilation, cooling, and cooling is to make tenants of rooms agreeable (Awbi, 2003). VAV framework is one of the HVAC applications and its fundamental design is to decrease vitality cost just as support cost. The utilization of VAV process contains two fundamental segments and the parts are the room and the VAV damper. The principle VAV air taking care of framework is the inserted HVAC framework which the greater part of the occasions are undetectable. It is this framework that is liable for conveyance of molded air to the entire structure or structure. The utilization of this sort of framework has two benefits and the benefits depend on the steady volume that is found inside the framework. This framework has the fan control limit dissimilar to different frameworks like CAV and the fan control limit improves decrease of the pre-owned measure of vitality. Section ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION Variable Air Volume additionally genera lly known as (VAV) framework is a sort of ventilation, warming, and cooling gadgets that utilization a gracefully channel of natural air and gives out hot or cool air as the flexibly air. The air which is being provided to this gadget more often than not has steady temperature and thusly, the resultant wind current consistently shifts for the accomplishment of the fall and ascent of the misfortunes or additions described with warm zone. The majority of the VAV frameworks have two essential benefits and the benefits are because of the consistent volume inside the framework. The framework has a fan control limit which is equipped for diminishing the measure of vitality expended through the fan. This vitality which is utilized by the fans shapes the all out vitality cooling necessities which are gainful to the structure (Etheridge and Sandberg, 1996). The Variable Air Volume framework has a great deal of dehumidification contrasted with the steady volume framework on the grounds that t he consistent volume framework is equipped for adjusting the temperature of the release air. The accomplishment of the temperature for the released air establishes the cooling heap of the entire framework. Inside this framework the blowing rate for the air is incredibly differed and on account of Variable Air Volume with a solitary handler for air, the serving for different various zones can be accomplished. The stream rate related with each different zone when just a single handler is operational is constantly changed. The Variable Air framework has a terminal unit and this terminal unit goes about as a VAV box which controls the wind current rate for the various zones. This crate works naturally with the assistance of the actuator. There is an immediate association between the focal or nearby control frameworks with the VAV box and the control framework now and again is pneumatically controlled. The utilization of Variable Air Volume (VAV) for a long time has had the option to giv e quality indoor air along these lines improving the nature of the general condition. The nature of the encompassing air significantly influences the general ecological quality and consequently, the utilization of this framework has been favored in numerous structures that have a place with private people just as organizations. A great deal of medical advantages are ascribed to indoor air quality since low quality air contains organisms that are equipped for influencing the tenants of the structures (Chadderton, 2004). A great deal of predominance has been given to the VAV framework contrasted with CV framework and this commonness is
Friday, July 31, 2020
If it was me, Mr. President, Id Get a Grammar Lesson.
If it was me, Mr. President, I’d Get a Grammar Lesson. I have been thinking for some time that I would like to write a blog on the subjunctive. One of my blog followers, an astute man named Gabe, was kind enough to give me fodder for bringing this topic to the top of my list. For the second time in The Essay Expert’s blogging history, I turn to President Obama’s grammar bloopers. The first was his incorrect use of “tenant†when he meant “tenet†in his speech following the Tucson shootings (The President Makes Grammatical Errors Too!). This week I’m pointing to Obama’s statement about the texting transgressions of Congressman Weiner. Obamas Grammatical Error Said the President, according to many news sources, “If it was me, I’d resign.†I won’t spend a lot of time explaining that a more proper structure of this sentence would have been, “If it were me, I’d resign.†Put simply, this is a conditional statement, speaking about an event that is not sure to happen and that did not definitively happen. Any time you see the word “if†in a sentence, watch out for the subjunctive. The correct verb form is most likely “were.†A good explanation of the subjunctive can be found on I also won’t spend a lot of time harping on the fact that the President used the incorrect form of the pronoun “me.†The truly correct phrasing would have been, “If it were I, I would resign.†Note that “I†is a subject pronoun. But who really talks like that? Meet The Press: To Quote or Not to Quote? What interests me most is the way the press handled the situation. You might remember that when the President said “tenant†instead of “tenet†in his Tucson shooting speech, the transcription of his speech corrected his error. In the Weiner situation the press went to bat for Obama again but not universally. Ive created a snapshot of press coverage of the issue below. [Challenge to reader: How many double entendres can you find in the body of this article? If you find one, report it in the comments!] The New York Times Michael Barbaro of The New York Times covered up (or worked around) the President’s grammatical errors as follows in his article, Obama Suggests Weiner Should Resign: President Obama told NBC News that if he were in Representative Anthony D. Weiner’s position, “I would resign,†according to a senior network executive. Fox In contrast, Fox quoted Obama word for word in their article, Obama Says He Would Resign in Weiners Position: I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign, Obama told Ann Curry in an interview scheduled to air Tuesday on NBCs Today. How many times do you think that one got tweeted? Youtube/, in the midst of making references to porn star names, fixed the subjunctive issue on its youtube video report, but did not touch the improper pronoun: Now the President is saying, “I can tell you that if it were me I’d resign…†Maybe these folks need a grammar lesson too. Pundit Press Pundit Press left the error waving in the wind, both in the title and body of its article: Title: PRESIDENT OBAMA: If it was me, I would resign. Body: Obama did not call for the resignation of Anthony Weiner, but did say, I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign. CNN Finally, CNN’s article by Ashley Killough maintains picture perfect grammatical integrity in its headline, Obama On Weiner: ‘I Would Resign’, but exposes Obama’s actual wording in the text: (CNN) President Barack Obama told NBCs Ann Curry in an interview to air on Tuesdays Today, that if he were in Rep. Anthony Weiners shoes, he would leave Congress. I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign, Obama said. Grammatically correct or not, Obama’s opinion surely had an impact. Weiner has stepped down, probably due to the uncovering of his lies more than anything else. If you were a reporter, how would you have handled Obama’s grammatical error? And why did Clinton survive his sex scandal, whereas Weiner was trampled? The Christian Science Monitor has shed some light on this question in its article, Why Democrats turned on Anthony Weiner, but not Bill Clinton. I suppose we can all be comforted that no one (even The Essay Expert) will push for politicians to step down due to grammatical transgressions.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Stereotypes As A Cause Of Identity - 1183 Words
When it comes to the topic of stereotypes, most of us will readily agree that each and everyone of us fits into at least one of them regarding our gender, age, race, and more. Where this agreement usually develops is on the question of whether or not we know how to respond to these stereotypes. Therefore, it can be said that the stereotypes imposed on one individual can cause him or her to stimulate personal insecurities as a young person. Yet, as they mature, they are able to realize that one can avoid this phase of self-deprecation by not embodying those negative stereotypes, thereby emphasizing that although one doesn’t have control of the stereotypes, they can still resist the negative impacts. Claude Steele, a social psychologist†¦show more content†¦Tan explains in her article, â€Å"Mother Tongue†published in 1990 that based on other â€Å"people s perceptions of the limited English speaker,†¦ [her] mother’s â€Å"limited†English li mited [her] perception of her [mother]†(Tan, 1990, 198). Thus, Tan’s point is she had internalized those beliefs on her mother even if she didn’t intentionally mean to. She didn’t have the opportunity to fully understand how those limitations she’s set on her mother was just based on stereotypes. They were in fact, very untrue and had resulted to her mother feeling invalidated not only by other people, but sadly, even her daughter as well. Furthermore, Tan’s perception of her mother is not only limited but she also enabled her mother’s broken English to impact and limit her as a student. To illustrate, in her high school years, she mainly pursued math and science because she believed her mother’s english skills reflected her. She expressed she nearly believed her â€Å" mother’s English almost had an effect on limiting [her] possibilities in life as well†(Tan, 29). This implies that Tan is condemning her mother’s English ability as a restriction on her opportunities in life, understanding it as the root of her bad English. Yet, I disagree because byShow MoreRelatedPositive And Negative Impacts Of Children Essay1603 Words  | 7 Pagesform of influence that children cannot run from is racial stereotypes. The racial stereotypes in this context refers to the common idea the societies get when they see a specific racial group. This essay will be discussing the relationship betw een the stereotypes and children’s development, in addition to the future effects of exposing children to this stereotypes. First and foremost, children can easily be influenced by these stereotypes because they are at the stage where people around them canRead MoreThe Threat of a Stereotype1383 Words  | 6 PagesStereotype threat is present in our everyday lives and it prevents people from doing things to their fullest abilities. It is the fear of confirming a negative stereotype about you resulting in weaker performance. An example where stereotype threat exists is in the case where African Americans do poorly on tests compared to Caucasian individuals. This occurs because the stereotype is that African Americans are intellectually inferior to Caucasian people. In a setting where the negative stereotypeRead MoreWhistling Vivaldi : How Stereotypes Affect People1309 Words  | 6 PagesStereotypes are unescapable. No matter what part of the world you are at or who you are talking to, everyone has some bias. Claude Steele say’s exactly this in his book â€Å"Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotype s Affect Us and What We Can Do†when he states â€Å" We could all take out a piece of paper, write down the major stereotypes of these identities, and show a high degree of agreement in what we wrote.†His piece addresses the effects of stereotypes, which result in what Steele calls â€Å"stereotype threat†Read MoreThe Inspiration For Whistling Vivaldi1747 Words  | 7 Pagesoffered Staples a smile. Social psychologist Claude Steele refers the phenomenon as an identity contingency. According to Steele (2011), contingencies are â€Å"conditions you have to deal with in a setting in order to function in it. And identity contingencies†¦ are special to you because you have a given social identity†(p. 68). As a member of a minority, Steele not only acknowledged the silent effects of identity contingency, but also explored its effect across many minority groups. Whistling VivaldiRead MoreIdentity in the Workplace Creates Gender Inequality801 Words  | 3 Pagesto diminish, things like sports stereotypes, and labour force conflict cannot be understood without understanding the term of identity. Identity work is explained by Schwalbe and Mason-Schrock in 1996 as â€Å"anything people do, individually or collectively, to give meaning to themselves or others†(as cited in Ezzell, 2009, p. 1). I propose to examine inequality based on gender identity and in depth the process of stereotype issues, - how people construct stereotypes in gender inequality in the contextRead MoreImplicit Personality Theory and Stereotypes1650 Words  | 7 PagesAttitudes: Evaluating the social world. (1989) they defined the term Social Psychology as â€Å"the scientific field that seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behavior in social situations†. (p. 6). There are many concepts of social perception, two of these that will be looked at in this essay are Implicit Personality Theory and stereotypes. Implicit personali ty theory describes the beliefs, biases and assumptions, that an individual uses when he or she forms impressions on a stranger basedRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles Essay1415 Words  | 6 Pagesabout attributes or characteristics that are or ought to be possessed by, or the roles that are or should be performed by men and women. A gender stereotype can be extremely harmful and limit ones capacity to develop their personal abilities, pursue their professional careers and make choices about their lives and life plans. â€Æ' Shaping Gender Identity Sam Killermann, a comedian and social justice advocate stated â€Å"Gender is like a Rubik’s Cube with one hundred squares per side, and every time youRead MorePerception Of Self, Discrimination, And Failure Essay1578 Words  | 7 PagesIndividual identity is constructed by many things, ranging from perceptions from others to perception of self, and is constantly changing as life’s complexities increase. Fear, or the distressing feeling of anxiety and angst, is also an unlikely but extremely important component of composition of identity as one gets older, for it is fear that shapes identification and interaction, especially in a group setting. A case where this is apparent is within Predominantly White Institutions, or PWIs, andRead MoreIndividual Identity Is Constructed By Many Things, Ranging1598 Words  | 7 PagesIndividual identity is constructed by many things, ranging from perceptions from others to perception of self, and is constantly changing as lifeâ €™s complexities increase. Fear, or the distressing feeling of anxiety and angst, is also an unlikely but extremely important component of composition of identity as one gets older, for it is fear that shapes identification and interaction, especially in a group setting. A case where this is apparent is within Predominantly White Institutions, or PWIs, andRead MorePlunkitt of Tammany Hall Essay842 Words  | 4 PagesOctober 2012 Media Influence the Identity and culture Over the last few decades, ever since the televisions and computers were invented, self ethnic identities have been influenced because of the progress in technology, which we commonly known as media, and whether the globe benefits from this approach or not has become a controversial issue amongst most of the people in the world. As what survey shows that a dominant group of peoples who tend to believe that identities were being ruined by spreading
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Issue Of Gender Inequality - 947 Words
Women in the Workplace Feminism is a movement that encourages the advancement of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. For centuries, women have been advocating to be treated equally. The United States was founded on democracy and that all men were created equal, but, women were not able to vote or run for office for more than 140 years. They were not allowed to enter career field However, the United States government realized the unfairness of its Constitution and passed the Nineteenth Amendment, allowing women to vote. This sparked a wildfire for women’s rights and equality seemed to be on the horizon. Now, in the 21st century, the issue of gender inequality is still being discussed. Feminism is a growing trend among the new generation of Americans, but an aspect that is continually overlooked is the workplace. In the workplace, females are not treated the same as their male counterparts. They receive lesser pay, and because of discrimination, fewer employme nt opportunities are offered. The wage gap has been an ongoing issue. 50 years ago, women earned 59 cents to every dollar a man made. The Equal Pay Act signed by President Kennedy in 1963, was meant to end the unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job (Bellows 8). However, according to a population survey conducted in 2014, a woman working full time will earn 78 percent of what a man makes. That is 78 cents for every dollar a man earnsShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Gender Inequality1415 Words  | 6 PagesThe issue of gender inequality is an issue that cuts across all demographics in all regions of the world. Gender inequality is one of the most recognizable limitations to female prosperity. Male dominance coincides with gender inequality to create a lack of female prosperity and a gender gap, and this is a prevalent issue for all women who seek employment within any organization. Gender inequality is a complex social and organizational issue that demand s comprehensive evaluation, especially if itRead MoreThe Issue Of Gender Inequality904 Words  | 4 PagesThe issue of gender inequality towards women in male-dominated fields still occurs today despite an equality law implanted over 50 years ago. The purpose of this collected research is to address the issues of sex-discrimination in traditional male careers such as segregated stereotypes, unfair career advancements and the gender based wage gap. Throughout the research process, discoveries revealed that women are viewed by males as incapable of completing work in male-based fields such as constructionRead MoreThe Issue Of Gender Income Inequality1060 Words  | 5 Pagesthe issue of gender income inequality in terms of age. Gender income inequality can be described as the unequal treatment between men and women in terms of revenue, and has been an issue for women for a long period of time. According to Workplace Gender Equality Agency, the average gender pay gap between full -time men and women increases in accordance to age, when the gap begins to narrow due to reduced income in retirement. This report will explain the main issue of gender income inequality in termsRead MoreGender Inequality : A Global Issue756 Words  | 4 Pages Keisha Theodore 12/05/16 Gender inequality: Economics Gender inequality is a global issue as no country has achieved gender parity. I chose this topic because I am a female and will soon be entering the work force and this information pertains to not only me, but to other females who are unaware. I think it is important that we stay informed, so that we can work together to solve this issue. I think gender inequality is an issue that should be addressed for the reason that it goes againstRead MoreThe Social Issue Of Gender Inequality1939 Words  | 8 PagesThe Social Issue of Gender Inequality between Men and Women Nakia Bell University of South Alabama Abstract In this paper, I will be discussing the social issue of gender inequality between men and women. Gender inequality is a problem that is widely recognized and affects men and women alike. Gender inequality affects employment, earnings, how individuals are viewed, etc. This issue is one that needs to be resolved so women, and men, can make progress toward a gender-neutral societyRead MoreGender Inequality Is A Prominent Issue Globally1864 Words  | 8 Pages311 Gender inequality is a prominent issue globally. Gender inequality is defined as unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. Around the world, women are not treated as equally as men. In 2015, only 50% of the world’s working-age women were in the labor force, compared to 77% of working-age men. In this essay, I will be focusing on gender inequality in China and Japan and the causes and effects of gender inequality in both countries, as well as whether gender inequalityRead MoreThere Are Many Issues Regarding Gender Inequality In The1812 Words  | 8 PagesThere are many issues regarding gender inequality in the U.S. One of the many examples is gender inequality in the workforce. Women are unequally treated in the workforce due sex segregation. One of the main issues in the workforce is hiring discrimination. Hiring discrimination in the U.S. is illegal under the Civil Rights Act that was passed in 1964 (Pg. 275 Sociology project 2.0), but the law has not totally ended discrimination. Many businesses have biased leaders. Women are more likely to getRead MoreGender Inequality : An Ongoing Issue That Occurs Everywhere1420 Words  | 6 Pages Gender inequality is an ongoing issue that occurs everywhere. The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science Medicine defines gender inequality as â€Å"Social process by which people are treated differently and disadvantageously, under similar circumstances, on the basis of gender†(Kent). This inequality is deeply related to the social view of the gender and inherent biological factors. According to Jay Mcsherry in his paper The Gender Divide, he claims that gender inequality can be seen from differencesRead MoreA Brief Note On Global Gender Inequality Issues1334 Words  | 6 Pages Global Gender Inequality Issues Continuing Problem Gains and Progress More than 110 million children in the world are not in school. Among them two third of it accounts for girls. Some of the developing countries including Jamaica, Philippines and South Africa has worked on gender inequalities and made such policies that women literacy rate has gone higher. Women represents an average of less than 10% in the parliaments of various countries around the world. In 2005 Iraqi government decided thatRead MoreGender Inequality Is A Grave Issue Throughout The History Of Time972 Words  | 4 PagesGender inequality is a grave issue throughout the history of time. However, black women have gotten the shorter end of the stick, and Marita Bonner addresses this issue in her essay, â€Å"On Being Young – a Woman – and Colored.†Bonner believes that time will heal the disjunction between men and women, and more specifically the ignorance of black women’s presence in society. This essay proves that Bonner’s solution – allow time to heal – is pragmatic and history proves that it worked. Women in the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Final Reflection and Pdp Free Essays
Final Reflection and PDP Background This reflection paper reflects on themy current performance in regards to study skills. during this first seminar in study skills. This and will demonstrate themy awareness of my learning abilities. We will write a custom essay sample on Final Reflection and Pdp or any similar topic only for you Order Now Where study skills are concerned, With study skills I’ve realised that its is important to understand, where you stand in the type of learner you are, how each the different learning skills preferred by indivudals enables individual prefers learn to enable pupils to share their learning experience, for example I may not be a auditory learner and someone else may be a visual learner, so we both can share are experiences of the way each person learns. During these past few months, in both lecturesr and seminar sessions, I’ve been exposed to discovered various learning styles which hashave enabled me to understandfind out exactly what the type of learner I am. I discovered that Tthere are a number of websites which can aidhelp to figure out in ascertaining the type of learner you are. what sort of learner you are. I conducted several researchresearch by looking up on the websites to figure out what type of learner I was, and I found out that I was an auditory learner. An auditory learner, this defines is a person which who learns best by listening. HoweverDuring my time at University, I’ have come across varioues students at GSM doing theon my same course, with different forms of learning styles, includingeither a Visual, KinestheticKinaesthetic, Read and Write, and of course an Auditory learners. From my understanding of being aAn independent learner defines, being is an individual who learns and studiesy for him e or herself, making decisions which will benefit them you as an individual and improve their learning needs, and, as student at a higher level form of education, to become most importantly self-motivated. I believe the most important attributesaims to becoming a successful learner and achieving the best toof your ability areis by the following: 1. Motivation By setting your own aims and objectives, as well as being responsible for your own learning and also setting out challenges and meeting goals. 2. Managing Time Managing Learning how to balance your studies with yourto social life is one of the most important strategiesy to becoming an independent learner. tThis is because, althoughdespite as much as everyone enjoys to having e their a social life, there needs to be a balance between an individual’s studies and social life as failing to do so can lead to failure. should be monitored before being distracted by studies and social life, if not this could lead to failure to the course. ( Moreover, to also understand how you learn best can determine how to revise and study for a particular work. )-dnt know what you trying to say. 3. Reflection Developing on your ability to reflect on your progress, through feedback, enables you determines in which you reflect on every feedback given, to sustain you, to improve better your progress within the course. This pushes you to work harder and correctimprove in any errors which had been made. , its It is equally important to keep a record of any kind of feedback or progress from tutors/peers are kept so that as it can inform you the student what stage of progress you are at. During the semester, how I have performed? I believe during Within the topic of study skill this semester, I think I would rate myself average in regardsdue to the way I have performed. during this semester, tThis is because I’ have come across some difficulties to in some of the assignments which have been set within theis seminar classes. What changes have you identified? In my last Due to my last assignment I failed to achieve the grade I wished to. In my initial reflection based on the initial reflection, was the first assignment which was set from study skills, and turn out to under achieve a pass, however this has allowed me to I recognised bmy mistakes and errors. This which had been made to enabled me to work on the things which I need to improve on. I learnt that I needed What I have recognised is to work more on my structuring, focusing more on identifying my real weaknesses which I have in order to improve on for the next semesters. ( expand more on this †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ) What I learned so far during the semester? -The things you have improved on -Your weaknesses†¦i. e. how you write, whether you have good time management etc. What parts of learning, study and assignment are causing me difficulties? One particular assignment which has caused me difficulties would be the written report. tThis is mainly because, there was not’t any sort of guidelines to help us, structure out our report, which would have been useful to us, and would have to given us some format of what to write. , uUnlike with the other modules, where there are is more support with most of the assignments set and there are classes which canould be attended to help with any difficulties, which we may and I believe with study skills it is more harsh and more to do with more independent learning and doing it on your own, and using ourare own initiative to see whether we understand what goes on in the real world of business. expand more on this †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ) How can I reflect upon what I am learning or doing and so improve what I do? One of the most important elements to achieving success is In order to succeed, one of the most important element is achievement refers to active involvement in your learning. A very important aspect of a Active learning is the ability to reflect on your work and see whether you are I’m answering the questions properly. When reflecting on my work, I need to consider, how to be responsible I feel for my own learning, how good Ito identify, setting achievable goals and how to be as well as being an active learner. I believe I definitely need to work on all of these to improve in all my assignment set. One way I can start of by reflecting upon what I am learning is by first, understanding how I learn. For example, I prefer to learn through listening and by noticing the type of learner I am would determine my motivation towards my studies. thus I can plan my studies based on this. Finally due to your current performance level and development changes, would you make for the next 4 semesters of your course? I have discovered that I need to make changes in regards to my time management. This is because I find myself procrastinating regularly, for example, leaving assignments to the last minute. I have noticed that this does not help as it means that my work is submitted late and not much effort goes into my assignments. To deal with this I have realised that I need to create sub goals, which are easier to complete, in order to get my assignments done earlier. One way in which I would need to developmake changes in, is by finding myself sometimes procrastinating regularly, when leaving assignment to the last minute, really doesn’t help in situations like things when submitting work late or not putting that much effort into your assignments. But I’ve identified that because I don’t chunk assignments into smaller bits and create sub goals, it doesn’t allow me to finish on time, but since procrastinating really leads to failure, things has to change through out the rest of the next semesters. ( expand more on this †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ) How to cite Final Reflection and Pdp, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Women Of Brewsters Place And As I Lay Dying Essays - As I Lay Dying
Women Of Brewster's Place And As I Lay Dying The differences between the two novels Women of Brewster's place by Gloria Naylor and As I lay dying by William Faulkner are many and varied. They differ in their tone, style, handling of characters and overall continuity. That, however, is not the topic of this essay. What I will be assessing is how these two authors handle the theme of family. Do they find that family is a support or a trap for the individuals in the story? Maybe both. Do they differ in their way of thinking or are they of one mind on the subject? I will start by dissecting each story based on these ideas, then I will compare the two ways of thinking. In Gloria Naylor's Women of Brewster's place, there are quite a few individuals, each with her own story and her own trials and tribulations. I will follow the flow of the story and talk about the characters in the same order as she has. Mattie Michael has had a hard life. She persisted on loving her son, even though he brought her no end of grief. In that sense, she was trapped by her love for him, but that same love, when transferred onto Ettae Mae Johnson, did bring joy in the form of companionship in her later days. Also, she was the impromptu mother-figure for most of Brewster's place but more specifically that of Luciella Louise Turner, who, when faced with the loss of her only child, had decided to give up on life. With nothing but love, willpower and an unspoken sense of family, was Mattie able to snatch her back from the brink of death. In the case of Kiswana Browne, we find both support and entrapment. Although she was supported and loved by her family, Kiswana saw them as an impediment to her life as seen by her independent eyes. She could not deny her parents love for her, but at the same time could not abide by their passive role in the African-American community. Later, we see that the love of her parents was unconditional to the point of accepting her life in the shoddy apartment where she lived. Not only did they understand what she was going through, but they also were willing, albeit indirectly, to support her financially. That might be the only case in both stories where love of family outweighs the traps that come along with it. Cora Lee's family was plainly a trap for her. A trap due to her own limited outlook on life. The denial of the fact that babies do grow up had limited her choices and subjugated her to a life of almost slavery. Her unlikely salvation came in the form of Kiswana Browne. Cora Lee's pride could not allow her to let Kiswana find her a bad example of motherhood, and so she took it upon herself, if only for a little while, to fix her children up for the play. That could also be interpreted as support, since Kiswana was the closest thing Cora Lee had ever had to a family since she moved out of her parent's apartment. In the case of Theresa and Lorraine however, little could be said except the fact that they depended on each other for a sense of family and belonging since they could not count on anyone else accepting them for what they truly were. Although some support did spring up after the rape, that was mainly sympathy and not really true understanding On the whole, the people of Brewster's place tried to take care of one another and they did have an overall sense of family. They all belonged to these streets, not many wanting to be here and most knowing they could never get out. In Faulkner's As I lay dying, the sense of family is far easier to find since most the characters in the novel are of the Bundren's family. I will talk about some of them individually first, then about all of them as a whole. Anse Bundren, the father figure of the family, has been more of a burden to the family than anything else. His laziness forces the other members of the family to do his chores in his place and thus constitutes a trap for the rest of the family. The closest example we could find of Anse in Gloria Naylor's novel would be Luciella's husband. They both are irresponsible and care more for their own
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