Friday, May 22, 2020
Stereotypes As A Cause Of Identity - 1183 Words
When it comes to the topic of stereotypes, most of us will readily agree that each and everyone of us fits into at least one of them regarding our gender, age, race, and more. Where this agreement usually develops is on the question of whether or not we know how to respond to these stereotypes. Therefore, it can be said that the stereotypes imposed on one individual can cause him or her to stimulate personal insecurities as a young person. Yet, as they mature, they are able to realize that one can avoid this phase of self-deprecation by not embodying those negative stereotypes, thereby emphasizing that although one doesn’t have control of the stereotypes, they can still resist the negative impacts. Claude Steele, a social psychologist†¦show more content†¦Tan explains in her article, â€Å"Mother Tongue†published in 1990 that based on other â€Å"people s perceptions of the limited English speaker,†¦ [her] mother’s â€Å"limited†English li mited [her] perception of her [mother]†(Tan, 1990, 198). Thus, Tan’s point is she had internalized those beliefs on her mother even if she didn’t intentionally mean to. She didn’t have the opportunity to fully understand how those limitations she’s set on her mother was just based on stereotypes. They were in fact, very untrue and had resulted to her mother feeling invalidated not only by other people, but sadly, even her daughter as well. Furthermore, Tan’s perception of her mother is not only limited but she also enabled her mother’s broken English to impact and limit her as a student. To illustrate, in her high school years, she mainly pursued math and science because she believed her mother’s english skills reflected her. She expressed she nearly believed her â€Å" mother’s English almost had an effect on limiting [her] possibilities in life as well†(Tan, 29). This implies that Tan is condemning her mother’s English ability as a restriction on her opportunities in life, understanding it as the root of her bad English. Yet, I disagree because byShow MoreRelatedPositive And Negative Impacts Of Children Essay1603 Words  | 7 Pagesform of influence that children cannot run from is racial stereotypes. The racial stereotypes in this context refers to the common idea the societies get when they see a specific racial group. This essay will be discussing the relationship betw een the stereotypes and children’s development, in addition to the future effects of exposing children to this stereotypes. 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